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Participation in the Festival requires accreditation. Accreditation is acquired by filling in the application form and sending it to the Directorate of the Festival via e-mail info@adfest.by, or by registering on the website and filling in the accreditation form and paying the invoice after it was sent. As a response you will get the documents on participation in the festival.


Accreditation for «White Square» gives an opportunity to take part in all the events of the festival, which include more than 50 workshops, seminars and show-lectures held by leading experts of advertising industry from various countries of Europe and CIS, Award Ceremony, 2 parties in Minsk clubs. Accredited participants get packages with memorable souvenirs, presentation materials, bonus programs from business and information partners of the festival.  




The cost of accreditation for one representative of company is:


295 USD + VAT 


There are loyalty discounts for regular participants:

– registering 2 or more participants from one company, 5% discount is provided.

– registering the accredited participants of previous festivals, 5% discount is provided.

The discounts are summed up.


Visiting guests can also get assistance in booking a hotel room with a discount. Those who need such help, please contact the Directorate of the Festival via e-mail info@adfest.by


 Look forward to seeing you at IX “White Square” 27-29 April, 2017 in Minsk!